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Posty's NotesTMMessages from the Free Email Provider GuyTM Spam Isn't Just for Breakfast Any More. . .Oct 20, 2000 Every industry has its dark side. . .the seedy underbelly no one likes to think is there. Inevitably, however, it is this side that often makes the news and sends shockwaves of fear into the hearts of those not too familiar with the big picture. In news, it is the advent of nude women reporters in Russia that grabs the headlines. In the Olympics, we heard lurid tales of steroid use and of children taken away from their parents as toddlers to be fashioned into athletic gods. In politics. . .well. . .that is rather self-evident. In the industry of free email, however, the dark side is spam. Spam, the mass sending of unsolicited emails, is, for the most part illegal, with a trend toward making it globally so. At the very least, it usually violates a free email provider's terms of use contract. It could get your accounts closed, could crash mailboxes, servers, and gateways, make people furious and could possibly lead to legal action. Sending twenty million copies of the same email to a list you bought is not the way to market your grandmother's cookie recipes. Trust me. So, who are spammers? Very often, they are multi-level marketers, promoters of pornographic materials, pushers of "work-at-home, get-rich-quick, make-money-offshore" schemes and the like. They offer downlines, easy money, smut, and early retirement. What they don't offer for the most part is legitimacy or results. What they do offer is a glut in your mailbox of unwanted junk, sometimes forcing legitimate emails to be bounced back to the send because your email storage limit is exceeded. So what is a person to do? We have some key tips to protect yourself:
What if you receive spam. . .then what?
This is the frustrating, seedy side of email. It can be exasperating, disgusting, time-consuming, and sometimes even costly if you lose legitimate business emails because your account has reached its storage limit because of spam. Don't do it. Don't tolerate it. Posty doesn't. . .no matter how much money I can make off shore! :} If you're really serious about spam, we suggest you take a look at the book "Stopping Spam" ![]() Author Review by Alan Schwartz, Simson Garfinkel, Debby Russell (Editor) Click here to order a copy. Previous Posty's Notes: |
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