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Posty's NotesTMMessages from the Free Email Provider GuyTM Free Online InvitationsJune 16, 2000 We are really excited about the expansion of the Free Email Providers Guide-as you may have seen, we've added several new categories of Free eCommunications over the last several weeks and we will be adding many more over the next few months. If you haven't had a chance to check out our new listings, make sure to head over to our Other Free eCommunications page, it lists all of the new ways you can communicate freely on-line! My current favorite is Evite. At first, I thought that an on-line invitation might be viewed as impersonal (look away Ms. Manners and Martha Stewart!), but this service really changed my mind. It provides myriad ways to customize and personalize your invitations (graphically, through layout, via sound, etc.), even allowing you to add your own graphics and sounds to the invites. It then keeps you completely organized and gives your guests loads of options as to how to respond. When they do, Evite does all of the work for you in keeping track of who is coming, who is bringing what, etc., it even sends reminders to your guests and updates to you! Our FEPG.net tech-heads here especially like the full-fledged address book system which allows you to store all of your contact information. You can even import your contacts from other systems such as Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Palm Desktop, Netscape Mail, Eudora, Yahoo Mail, Excite Mail, and Lycos Mail/MailCity. You can also automatically synchronize your Evite contacts with Microsoft Outlook and Palm Pilots! Guests can be added to your invite from your address book as well as directly into the invite. Cool, isn't it? Okay, okay. . .I gets a little dizzy thinking about that techy stuff. . .but I do realize how great it is to be able to send and track such hip, customizable invites so easily. Test it out. . .if you are leary of communicating this way, Evite will surely change your mind. If you want more information, head over to our In-Depth Feature on Evite. . .and don't forget to invite Posty to your next event! Previous Posty's Notes: |
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